Tuesday, February 7, 2012


     Screening day went really well and was such an answer to so many prayers.  Most of the guys on board were all night-security at the stadium and then about 3 AM all the nurses arrived.  Apparently there was only about 100 or so people lined up until about 3 in the morning and then it just exploded.  Because Togo is a shorter field service, there are not going to be any orthopedic surgeries.  The programs that will be up and running in Togo are Mercy Vision (eye),  Outlook of Hope (maxillo-facial), Reconstructing Hope (plastics), Specialized Surgical Solutions (life-changing general surgery), Hope Reborn (VVF), Togo Smiles (dental), and Palliative Care on the medical side.  And then on the capacity building side there will be leadership conferences, Restoring Hope (mental health counseling), and the HOPE (Hospital OutPatient Extension) Center.  Plus Mercy Ministries which crew members who are not working can join smaller outreaches to prisons, orphanages, schools, neighoborhooods, etc.
     Patients arrived Monday! So far there are about 20-30 on board, but that number will increase shortly.  So as far as the Galley is concerned it just means that we now have a Ward Cook and that there is a more typically African meal prepared by the Ward Cook.  Yesterday was crazy with an event going on in the morning and team leaders gone or sick, and then the Ward Cook didn't show.  Thankfully another one of the day workers can cook and made AMAZING peanut soup!  The past two days have been crazy but this weekend our team leader will be back! 


  1. Tori- That is so cool!! I'm so glad that screening day went well! I'm praying for you!! Miss you!
    Love you,

  2. Tori! What you are doing is so admirable. To be serving God in such a way must be such an incredible experience! I wish you the best on your journey & I am constantly praying for you.
    Love you & can't wait to see you again!

    -Kelsey :)
