Friday, December 30, 2011

The countdown to go to Togo has begun!

One Week.  That's how long until I leave for Togo.  For 5 months.  Wow, it still hasn't sunk in.  I'm sure it I board the plane.

"Last" has become a theme in my life lately.  My "last" day at Goldpine, "last" week at Target, "last" Sunday, "last" few shots, "last" chiro visit,  "last" time to see friends.... Boy, that list is depressing.  Well, sometimes "last" is a good thing...particularly in reference to shots!

It's really interesting to see and hear peoples' reactions to learning about my trip:
"This will change your life" (That's the goal.)
"You will never forget this" (I'm not planning on it.)
"Take lots of pictures" (I'm bringing a camera.)
"You must be really excited!" (No, that's why I'm grinning my ears off every single time my trip is brought up.)
"Don't, like, get hurt or anything while you're over there" (Wouldn't it be more exciting to say that I died in Africa than "Tori died in the woods..."?)
"You're doing what I've always wanted to do" (What's stopping you from doing it now?)
"You're paying to go and work in Africa? Honey, you've got it all wrong!" (Um, nope!)
"Togo? Is that anywhere near Africa?" (Just the same continent.)
"Should I be scared that you're working in a kitchen?" (Only if you're on my hit list...)

So, a bajilion weeks down, one to go.  And to Togo I go!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Getting Ready to Get Ready to Leave

2 Corinthians 9:8
And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.

     Thank you so much to everyone who has been oh so generous by supporting me!  These past two weeks have made me realize that God can and will provide.  A month and a half ago I was looking at less than $100 raised, a deadline of December 1st to have 75% of my total funds needed.  It was a God-sized amount and so I started praying really hard - and working really hard.  But now, Thanksgiving is this week and I am completely thankful that God has given me so much.  Not only has he provided the money, he also gave me some public speaking practice, crazy work experiences, and also life's everyday frustrations. Life is so not meant to be boring. :)

     My ticket is purchased.  I am really going! It'll take about 2 days to get there, so I'll be leaving January 8th, 2012 for Lomé, Togo and arriving the 9th late at night.  Then I'll leave Togo on June 11th.  Yes, that's a long time!  But I want to go and see where God's highway takes my lil beatup Nissan pickup.

Monday, November 7, 2011

I'll Bring Ya'll Up to Speed...

     The latest and greatest happenings in the Mercy Ships saga are awesome!  I have received almost 50% of my needed support which is such an answer to prayer! Thank you to everybody who has supported me financially.  The biggest thanks goes out to those of you who have been praying for me, I appreciate that so so much.  

     God has provided me with the opportunity to speak in my Sunday School class, at Bible Study tonight, and also a couple churches in the next few weeks.  I will be in Akeley this coming Sunday and in Kabekona the next.  I am not a fantastic speaker but I've been praying (and will keep praying) that God will give me the words and that I won't mess up too badly. 

Thank you again! God bless!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Mercy Ships Information

I just wanted to give an update on my mission trip plans. After much discussion with my parents and prayer, I decided to take a year off after high school graduation to take an extended mission trip. When I heard about Mercy Ships, I decided that this was the opportunity I had been looking for.

Mercy Ships is a global charity that has operated hospital ships in developing nations since 1978. The 499-foot Africa Mercy is the world’s largest charity hospital ship. The purpose-built hospital includes six state of the art operating rooms, intensive care, ward bed space for up to 78 patients and has a berth capacity for 484 crew. Volunteer crew from more than 30 nations currently serve onboard. In January 2012 the Africa Mercy will return to Togo, Africa for a period of five months. They are currently revamping their schedule so as to avoid most of rainy season and make it easier for the patients to travel. After the Togo field service, they will resume their usual ten-month stay in the next country. You can learn more about Mercy Ships on their website (

I will be going to Togo, Africa January 10th to June 10th with the title of Steward. I do not know as of yet what my official duties will be (either Dining Room, Hospitality, or Kitchen). I am hoping to be working in the kitchen since I have met one of the head chefs currently on board but we’ll see what God has planned… The entire crew stays on board the Africa Mercy, but we can go onshore when we are not scheduled to work. We can visit the Hospitality Center onshore where many patients stay until they have recovered from surgery.

I am extremely excited about this opportunity, but I can’t do it alone. First, please be praying for me and for the work that Mercy Ships is doing. Also, pray that the patients would be healed spiritually and physically. And finally, pray also for the strength, health and courage of every crew member aboard Africa Mercy.

Secondly, since Mercy Ships is a volunteer organization, I need to raise $5,500 to cover monthly crew fees and travel to Togo. I am working 2 part-time jobs but I need help. You can either give a one-time or a small monthly gift. Your tax-deductible donation can be sent directly to Mercy Ships or online at my page on the Mercy Ships website:

I am really excited to be going on this trip. I will be trying to keep a blog while on board, but because there is limited Internet you are now forewarned! Also, if you want to hear more information you can call or email anytime!
Thanks and God bless ya’ll!

Video Tour of the Ship:

There are two parts to this video so make sure to look for the second part. :)